Northern Heat was started by Rick Kuehlwein in 1986, originally named Woodbury Volleyball Club and changed to Northern Heat in 1994. In 2017 Rick stepped down and passed the club to a former Northern Heat player, and then CDH varsity head coach, Ellen Schafer. In 2023 Ellen announced that Northern Heat would not be returning for the 2023-24 club season.
We are excited to share that Northern Heat will be re-opening for the 2024-25 season with a new club director, Molly McLaughlin. Molly is a long-time Northern Heat coach and has partnered with Ellen to bring the club back to the St. Paul community.
Molly (Slough) McLaughlin has been playing volleyball for over two decades and coaching in the St. Paul community for the last seven years. Her coaching philosophy focuses on patient explanation, coaching in play, and celebrating players' efforts and improvements. Molly believes communication is the foundation of good coaching. She is able to recognize a player's individual learning style and adjust her coaching to match the team's specific needs. With a learning-focused atmosphere and positive environment, Molly has continued to see impressive growth with each of her teams.
With six of Molly's coaching years spent at Northern Heat, she is beyond thrilled to bring the club back to the community as the new director. Her vision for Northern Heat follows her coaching philosophy and a passion for creating the next generation of smart, confident volleyball players.

The resurgence of Northern Heat has three priorities: Knowledge, Encouragement, and Growth.
Northern Heat is committed to player improvement through both skill and knowledge of the game. We focus on building the player's volleyball IQ, and coach fundamentals being taught at the highest levels in ways that resonate with all age groups. From rules and reffing, to introducing strategy in level-appropriate ways, Northern Heat strives to create smart players with a greater understanding of volleyball.
Northern Heat coaches use encouragement as motivation, celebrating the small steps that lead to long-term growth. We are committed to development beyond the court and put an emphasis on building confidence within our players. Joining a Northern Heat team gives players the opportunity to practice their skills in a positive and encouraging environment, leading to greater success and a deeper love of the game.
Northern Heat players join our club with a passion for volleyball and a goal to get better. Our coaches specialize teaching fundamentals and fostering individual and team growth. Practices are designed to build skill and push teams to more competitive levels, finishing the season with significant improvement.